Monday Minute: Accessories - Eduardo Placer
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Monday Minute: Accessories

Did you know what you wear can help you in your speaking and networking?


It is time for your Fearless Monday Minute. So today I want to talk about something in relationship to your speaking, which is accessories. When I speak, I often have a blazer. And I often have some type of decorative element on the lapel like this prize pin. And inevitably what it is is a great conversation starter. So someone will say, what is that button for? And there’s always a story. So what I tell people is that I spent my entire life measuring my success by the prizes that other people awarded me. And this is the prize that I give myself every day for doing the best that I can.
So a simple accessory with a simple story can ensure that you always stand out everywhere that you’re in verbal communication, sharing about who you are and what you’re up to.

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