Monday Minute: Humidity and Aroma - Eduardo Placer
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Monday Minute: Humidity and Aroma

“The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.” – Lady Bird Johnson

I recently saw a post on tik tok that said “The worst summer in New York, is winter in an old NYC apartment with a radiator.”

I FELT SO SEEN!!!! Anyone else have this problem in their home cities?

Even as I’m writing this, I’m standing in my Harlem apartment with the radiator on and the window OPEN even though it’s 40 degrees outside.

In the video above, I share about what I do increase the level of humidity (and the vibe) while I’m facilitating and speaking from home. It makes a huge difference.

Have a fearless and fabulous start to your week.

Fearlessly yours,



It is time for your fearless Monday Minute. I am currently in New York City in my office and we are deep in the winter. And with all of the heaters that are run it is very easy for the air to get very dry, which can lead to the voice getting hoarse, and the voice really thrives with humidity. So one great hack to have in your public speaking back pocket to prevent that hoarseness and that dryness of the throat is to run a humidifier. I have one right next to me here on the side, which is of course in the brand of my business, fearless orange, and I have another thing on the side corner over there, which is a mister with some aroma, so that also helps to create not only more humidity in the room, but also infuse it with a beautiful smell.

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