Monday Minute: Memorization - Eduardo Placer
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Monday Minute: Memorization

Yes, it is possible to be TOO prepared!


It is time for your Fearless Monday Minute. To memorize or not to memorize? That is the question that plagues many public speakers. I am firmly in the not memorizing camp, that comes from my years as an actor where I found the act of memorization to be laborious and extremely painful. One tool that I use to get me from the page to the stage is a speaker’s outline. So for my first pass at creating content, I will write out full sentences. But very quickly, in the second pass, I get rid of those sentences and focus instead on those key ideas. So that in the third pass, what I have are just bold words that allow me to recall and remember the ideas and the logistical and logical order of my content. If I am to memorize something, it’s the beginning, the end, and key transitions. May that serve you on your speaking journey.

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